Sample Storage

Samples should be sent to the Laboratory as soon as possible. However, if this cannot be done, please follow the instructions below for appropriate storage.

Specimen Storage Comments
Seminal fluid must be fresh infertility must reach lab within 2 hrs
Routine histology in fixative

Electrolytes (U&E) fresh and unrefrigerated
Other routine specimens refrigerate contact the lab for storage of esoteric tests

Blood film and INR must be fresh - few hours old
ESR, FBC refrigerate
HLA, cell studies must be fresh, few hours old
Other specimens refrigerate
Swabs - in transport medium refrigerate Fastidious organisms may be lost
Urine refrigerate Boric acid helps preserve organisms. Specimens must be taken prior to commencing antibiotic therapy
Sputum fresh <8 hrs
Faeces refrigerate Enteric pathogens remain viable except Shigella
Tissue, pus, fluids refrigerate nature of specimen helps preserve pathogens
Fungal scrapings room temperature
Chlamydia - antigen room temperature

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