Normal Red Cell Values:-

Red Cell Count (Total RBC)
   Men:      4.5-6.5 milion/mm3
   Women: 3.8-4.8 milion/mm3
   Infant:    4.5       milion/mm3
   Child:      4.7      milion/mm3

   Men:       13-18 g/dl
   Women: 11.5-16.5 g/dl
   Infant:    8-10  g/dl
   Child:     10-13 g/dl

    Men:  0.40-0.54 l/l
    Women:  0.37- 0.47 l/l

MCV: 76-96 FL
MCH: 27-32 pg
MCHC: 31-35 gm/dl

Anaemia: when the level of heamoglobin is less then normal value in appropriate for age and sex that is called anaemia.
* If the Adult male haemoglobin range is less then 13 g/dl, then its anaemia for that adult Male.
* If the Adult Female haemoglobin range is less then 11.5 g/dl, then its anaemia for that adult Female.
* If the infant haemoglobin range is less then 8 g/dl then its anaemia for that Infant.
* If the Child haemoglobin range is less then 10 g/dl its anaemia for that Child.

Morphologycal Classification of Haemoglobin:
  1. Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia: when the MCV, MCHC, MCH are below the Normal range. eg. Iron Deficiency Anaemia (most common), thalassaemia, sideroblastic anaemia. 
  2. Macrocytic Anaemia: when the MCV is above normal, and MCHC is normal. It occurs in (a)Megaloblastic anaemia (b) Macronormoblastic erothropoiesis.
  3. Normocytic Normochromic Anaemia:  when the MCV, MCHC, MCH are within normal range. eg. acute blood loss, haemolytic anaemia, anaemia due to depression of erethropoisis.

Polycythaemia: An increase in red cell count per unite volume of blood.

Morphology of Red Cells In Blood Film:-
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) give different size.
  1. Normocyte: If the average size of red cell in a film is normal (7 mic m) then its called normocytic.
  2. Microcytie: If the average size of red cell is less then normal (<7 mic m) then its called Microcytosis. its is common finding in Iron Deficiency Anaemia.
  3. Macrocyte: If the average size if red cell is larger then normal (>7 mic m) then its known as Macrocytosis.  Macrocytosis is seen in Megaloblastic Anaemia.
**Normochromic RBC: When the red cell contain normal amount of haemoglobin.
**Hypochromic RBC: When the red cell contain less then the normal amount of haemoglobin.

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